

Anchor Lyrics

When all the world is spinning 'round. Like a red balloon way up in the clouds. And my feet will not stay on the ground. You anchor me back down

Anchor Lyrics Mindy Gledhill ※

Mindy Gledhill; Anchor When all the world is spinning round. Like a red balloon way up in the clouds and my feet will not stay on the ground


When all the world is spinning 'round. Like a red balloon way up in the clouds. And my feet will not stay on the ground. You anchor me back down

Mindy Gledhill

When all the world is spinning 'round. Like a red balloon way up in the clouds. And my feet will not stay on the ground. You anchor me back down

Mindy Gledhill - Anchor 歌詞翻譯 - ssal407的部落格

2018年2月20日 — When all the world is spinning round, 當整個世界不斷旋轉. Like a red balloon way up in the clouds, 像一個斷了線的紅氣球在高空中飄蕩

Mindy Gledhill

2010年8月4日 — [Verse 1] When all the world is spinning round. Like a red balloon way up in the clouds. And my feet will not stay on the ground. You anchor ...

【歌詞翻譯】Mindy Gledhill - Anchor 敏蒂.葛萊德希爾

2017年3月13日 — You anchor me back down. 是你牢牢將我固定下來.

Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具

Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具
